Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

assesing young learners

Assessing Young Learners The terms evaluation, assessment, and testing are often confused and used interchangeably. Evaluation is the process of collecting relevant information to determine the successfull of a program. Assessment is all methods used to collect information about children knowledge. Testing is one of the procedures that can be used to assess a child’s performance. The assessment tools advocated in this article are based on communicative language learning, task-based learning, appropriateness for children, authenticity, learning training, learning autonomy, and critical reflection. The task don’t create anxiety or other negative feelings. Assessment may be seen as a fun thing to do. Assessment has many purposes : to monitor and aid the children’s progress, to provide children with evidence of their progress and enhance motivation, to monitor your performance and plan future work, and to provide information for parents, colleagues, and school authorities. Skill and attitudes should be assessed is skill development ( listening, speaking, reading, writing, and integrated skills), learning how to learn (help children develop useful learning habits), attitudes, behavioral and social skills. There are many methods about how do we assess children: portfolio assessment, structured assessment activities/tasks, projects, self-assessment, peer-assessment, traditional tests, learner-developed assessment tasks, take-home tasks, observation, and conferencing. The proposed assessment methods are different from teaching activities in the following ways: aims (to check children’s language learning progress), measurable results ( measurable evidence of each individual child’s language development), assessment criteria ( defining what the children should be able to do in order to demonstrate their grasp of the particular area assessed), children’s predisposition towards the activity, timing ( specific times during the learning process), children’s participation (give information on the performance and ability of every child in the class), record keeping/learner profiling ( children’s performance in a assessment task is recorded and kept on file. Feedback can be given an a variety of ways : individually to each child, to groups of children, or to the whole class. As a teacher, .this article can help you, we can choose some kind of assessment to help you assessing your children. Not the assessment compatible, so you must choose the assessment based on activity the children’s and the lessons. Assessment, on the other hand, although an integral part of teaching that should reflect and complement the methodologies used in class, has not developed in the same way.

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